So, It was a long time Since I've posted here, I've been busy looking for a job or prioritizing hanging out with my friends or partner, as well as just having time to myself watching shows and playing games.
My mental health has gotten better, I DO get ups and downs but its not NEARLY as bad as it used to be, in fact, I think within this decade its been at an all time high! the ups last a lot longer and its easier to look away from drama and not engage in general bullshittery.
I am less confident in my art, I'll be honest. It's not as appreciated as it used to be, Idk if that's just me getting worse or something spesific I wont go into detail about, or just me not seeing the worth in it? Either way, art game is not going good, but I'm sure once i get a new theraphist, I'll be able to get to the bottom of it and get back to doing art with joy and passion!
Yeah, Idk what else to speak about here, but I hope I can manage to remember to keep posting art here